해커스 텝스 -TEPS 텝스 인강 텝스공부법 시험일정

by (주)해커스어학연구소



English portal Hackers English!Enjoy TPS learning with Hackers anytime, anywhere.▼▼Main Features and Introduction▼▼1. Daily Teps Solving / Providing learning contents such as Daily Teps Voca2.11 Consecutive Years of Bestseller Hackers! Free video lectures for best-selling textbooks3. Provide free expected lectures for the TEPS every month4. Provided by the hackers teps community (exam reviews, study methods, etc.)5. Various TEPS utilities (score calculator / TEPS timer / test site information)6. Provide free TEPS learning materials▼▼Highly recommended for people like this!▼▼1. Those who want to study TEPS anytime, anywhere2. Those who are learning with Hackers Steps textbooks3. Those who want to learn with high-quality TEPS lectures and contents4. Those who want to raise the TEPS score easily and in a fun way5. Those who want to learn TEP happily with other TEP learners ▼▼ Information on bestsellers in textbooks ▼▼[Hackers Language Research Institute] Aladdin Bestseller Ranked 1st in Reading/Listening in Foreign Languages ​​category for 11 consecutive years (from November 2008 to October 2019, based on monthly bests, 129 times in READING, 132 times in LISTENING, 3 times in phrase reading) • Required access rights• phone callPUSH with dialing and administrative privilegesUsed for configuration.• Optional access rights• PUSH notificationLearning alarm, PUSH message• Camera and videoPlease attach a photo/video to the hackers• MICAttach a video to the recording hackers• Use a smartphone with Android OS 6.0 or lower.In the case of use, all without selective access rightsIt can be applied with mandatory access rights.In this case, upgrade the operating system to 6.0 or higher.After doing so, you must delete and reinstall the app to accessSettings are normally possible.※ The Hackers Steps app is continuously updated.※ Please send any bugs or inquiries while using the application to the email [email protected] portal Hackers English